Wednesday, December 31, 2008

hello people!its been a year since i've known you guys, and we've spent a year together already!!kudos to THAT! :D thanks you all!for being such great classmates for the past year (: ohmann i'm so distracted by the tv,BUT i'll try to get this done still :D

joanne: wei'en! funny were fun to be with.really glad to know you better through pw (: i still rmb your bright yellow shirt which you wore to zhiyang's house :D super funny.hahaha.and its so cool that we have so many common friends (: through you i really learnt bout what a small world this really is.and lit lessons are so fun huh.hahaha.thanks for being such a nice friend (: and such a great one!

yixiu: yixiuxiu!!you've been a really awesome pal!helping me buy noodles everytime and everything :D thanks thanks (: and also for being so willing to teach me whatever i dunno.i still rmb the funny conversations over the phone where you try to teach me maths whilst i try to get you to watch don't forget the lyrics :D HAHA.but well,all the best for your soccer alright! (: i'll go cheer you on next year!definately (:

zhiyang: hey mate and all.had fun with you and moses in the tree house (: where we'll just talk and chill.but you are one kind of scandalous dey! :o you change your [girls] like a girl changes clothes :o okay kidding.hahaha.but well,great getting to know you better through pw.and cam whoring on your laptop :D thanks yeah.hahaha.dont be such a mugger yeah.the world doesnt revolve around studies dey :o HAHA.

yiling: CHOW!haha.who would have expected that i'll meet you in vj and be classmates with you!still rmb you in cedar (: haha.where ms wan really loved you luhh.haha.seriously.eng rep and all.hai.i was eng rep too can.HAHA.and i rmb sitting beside you once during science REMEDIAL which you didnt need to go for!like seriously.and you were asking mrs yeo some funny qns she couldnt really answer?haha.really funny.but yeah you've been a great laugh this year!thanks for being such a funny classmate (: hope to see you around more next year!

yanying: hello you!'re rather quiet but quite FUNNY!seriously!had so much fun with you this year!especially during lit.when harris doesnt turn up and we'll all talk nonsense :D and you arh.go school early,call people along!!! (: but still,really enjoyed getting to know you this year (: thanks for lending me your bio notes to photocopy :D i rmb cause theres your name on them.HAHA.thanks loads!

fat: yo yo FAT! :D great seeing you again!and classmates again! (: so cool huh.hahhaha.and to think you were my bio lab partner :D now you're my chem lab partner.hahahaha.but still,thanks for always being there for me and providing me with a listening ear whenever i need're really cool bout it know :D and also for always accompanying me on the swing.even if it means not eating during break :D great to see that you enjoy odac so much yeah!and cont having fun doing what you enjoy (:

jill: JILL take a CHILL PILL! (: gosh.i love that phrase! :D seriously!hahaha.and i really enjoyed talking to you at the back when our pw groups go for lunch together or somehow end up together :D're really nice to talk to (about the 3 of them *innocent smile) haha.and yeah!see you at parkway with pris quite a few times too!hahaha.super funny.cause its always really unexpected!!! (: well,heres to another great year ahead! :D

kat: heya kat (: really great knowing you this year (: haha.and you are really different in sch and out!like seriously! :D hope to see your wild side in sch more often! :o HAHA.but.yeah you're a really nice person yeah.all the best for sc next year yeah.i'm guessing it'll be as busy :D hahaha.but still,take a break and have fun! :D cause mugging for As will be crazy.LET YOUR HAIR LOOSE KAT! :o

kenny: hey dude!hahaha.great having you as a pw mate :D and getting to know you better this year (: you've been a great pal yeah.thanks for all the talks (: and for the listening ear.really appreciate it yeah!and just listening to me rant yeah.thanks so so much :D and you,are so busy this hols mann.barely had time to catch up with you.but well,like your hair! (: just dont get caught alright.hahahaha.and heres to skinnies!i love my skinnies too :D i wanna get another pair soon!!!HAHA

ahwai: hey you.hahaha.ahwai.that name really sticks huh.HAHA but i like calling you that (: got to know you better through the 31 bus rides where alvin and zhiyang get off super early.and we talk from kallang all the way back to tp.hahaha.but was great really getting to know you better :D and laughing at you.hahaha.with sharon :o oops.hope she doesnt see this.hahaha.but still.i dunno why.i just like laughing at you (: so heres to more laughter in the coming year ahead!!you're one really nice guy ahwai!and stay that way.and i just got your msg!

ann-marie: the one who bluffed us at the start of the year that the noodle stall aunty was your REAL aunty!hahaha.and to think that a few of us actually believed you! :o gosh.cant believe it actually did for awhile.hahahaha.tskk.funny.but well,thanks for getting me to buy the potato salad from the wanton mee stall guy :D cause i really liked it after that!think i'll miss him loads ): he really looked sad that last day huh.ohwell.i'll miss his salads!!!

alvin: dao kia!thanks for being so spontaneous and coming for fun-o-rama,band concert and also movie :D hhahaha.and thanks also for the super many times i ask you to help me to put or take out stuff from my locker for me and you do :D i really really apprecite it yeah!and i do feel paiseh for keep asking you for favours okay!thanks also for being so willing to teach me chem throughout the year (: THANK YOU!well,haha.have fun during the year ahead yeah.and do well for your cross! :D you can do it alright! (: and i still rmb how you lied to me sia.haha.arrgh.i'll always rmb okayyyy.dont forget to make your new year resolution!! (:

joel: my bio lab partner!!! (: its been great having you beside me during bio labs.seriously.had alot of fun with you during bio :D i still rmb when i wanted to ask you a qns,but when i turned to face you,you were washing your pipette and laughing to yourself!!i was super FREAKED OUT! to know you better,and i'm no longer freaked out.YAYY.hahahah.but.heh.dont be so critical bout yourself.and dont be such a mugger!!! :o life's cool gotta enjoy it mann.stop hanging our with your wife[tuba] so much :o actually i'm really hoping she's a tuba cause i cant rmb :/ SORRY!we'll all go out next time!haha

moses: mosey wosey!!thanks so much for all the treehouse talks!you've been a REALLY REALLY great friend!seriously.thanks for being there for me to talk to and also for listening to me :D i appreciate all of it loads loads yeah!!thanks! (: and also thanks for baking that cake for me!!!you're one cool friend you know!and start watching the show i lent you larh!i've lent it to you for like 2months already!HAHA!but.i really enjoy talking to you :D hope you and ________ will know you know :D know what i mean :o but heres to a great year ahead!and also to more treehouse talks! :D i promise no more ponning lectures next year (: ALRIGHT!

oli: hello olly molly wolly! (: arh.still dont wanna invite me to your house after one whole year! ): arrgh.super mean larh you!haha but super funny.and you think i dunno who ky is?!after seeing you guys at parkway oh so often?!hahaha.i know already luhh!!!still say what brother during openhouse.hhahahahaha.and you!eat so much eggs until the noodle stall aunty run out of eggs then you know! :o then you make her have to sell laksa without eggs...HOR!!!!hahaha.okay i'm talking nonsense.ole stop ponning lectures to slp in the band room alright! :D

reema: hey you!yo thang!thanks for letting us go to your house so often! :D like whenever we ask :o thanks so much!!!!! :/ it must have been quite...troublesome.haha.but you're one cool girl yeah!up and coming chem star :D out to prove ms chia wrong.hahaha.we should play truth or dare more often!!!by your poolside.hahahaha.and dare you to do WEIRD stuff with the people around there.coolios! (:

claire: hello you.hahaha.CHINESE rocks! :o actually not really.hahaha.but,its quite funny to hear you speak chinese (: its really unique yeah!and watching you ask around for help with your chinese stumps me too sometimes.seriously.hahahaha!and lit lessons are oh so fun with all you people!seriously :D like whenever harris isnt there and we do stupid stuff.well,its a pity the party at your house couldnt happen,BUT.we'll have some party somewhere sometime SOON alright! :D

sonya: sonya!!!haha.its so funny hearing you bitch with bing bout people :o but its interesting still.hahahahaha!!ohno.that sounded so kaypo :/ OOPS!still,yes.had loads of fun with you this year (: you're really fun to be with yeah.hahahaha.but you are also one kind of ponner :o hahahha.great knowing you this year still,and hanging out at ice cream chefs :D those few times.hahahaha.heres to another great year ahead with you! (:

gretl: hey jogging buddy! :D i think those jogging times really enabled me to get to know you seriously.and i really enjoyed them!the talks we had.about our lives,the people in our lives...or just about anything!like snorkelling!those were seriously.and how you told me about the jelly fish :D which i really went to research about online!cause they seemed so interesting!ahahhaa.heh i really hope that we'll be able to cont jogging next year alright.cause they really gave me something to look forward too! :D thanks for being such a great friend gretl!and such a funny one (:

leanne: hey you!why did you message me happy new year on christmas day?!!!HAHA.its a serious question by the really got me puzzled for awhile.and then super amused.hahaha.but well,heh.great getting to know you this year!!!like're really funny at times.hahaha.when you look so seemingly innocent.but.behind that facade :o how you are another regular ponner :o well.heres to another year together yeah! :D

sharon: aaron tan! are really funny.had fun lunching with you all during the exam periods :D hhahaha.but you arh.really quite poor thing as ct rep.haha.seriously.esp when the class doesnt really respond :o but well,thanks for putting in so much effort for the class alright.and for studying lit with me before promos :D quiet bout my eye candy arh! :o arh.super well informed bout everything one.seriously like know everything :o next time can just go ask you already.hahaha.but aaron arh.stop sitting like a guy :o

vic: hey you! (: og mate!!!!!cant imagine huh.hahaha.but well,got to know you during orientation,but got to know you BETTER after that! :D really great still refuse to allow me to call you vicky yeah ): HAHA.ohwell.then i guess i shall have to stick to vic.or victoria ): well,dont be too stressed up over sc!or anything at all! :D let loose and smile.cause life's full of wonderful things that just makes up for all the sad incidents (: and all the way ballerina! :D

bing: yoyo fashionista! :D you are a really funny pal.especially during lit lectures when i end up beside you and you start vandalising my notes :o HAHA.but still,its really fun talking[or rather gossiping with] to you :D and hearing about oh so many people.especially your best friend!!! :D and bing!ppl who wear fbts to school dont look like they havent bathed for 3days alright!!!!especially not me ): arrgh.still,had alot of fun knowing you this year.and heres to more fun next year!dont forget me next time when you become a fashion designer(right?) alright!!!! :D HAHA

nicholas: hey!well,you are like the one who knows like alot of stuff.hahaha.great getting to know you this year (: it was fun yeah.and having the same cca.haha.well, put on some weight next year alright! :D and stop looking so skinny :o what the crap.hahahaha.and.heres to more fun during lit class! :D all the best in floorball yeah!have fun and play well :D study hard and all the best for As too yeah!hahahaha.

08s33!!thanks for 2008! :D


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The Class

O8S33! Hangs out regularly in VJC, normally LT1, LT4, LT5, V block, T block, L block, C block, Canteen, and Treehouse. The generation of the 25 cool guys and girls.


Civics Tutor:
Mrs Liew Mui Lee

Alvin Lee
Chin Yixiu
Chionh Zhi Yang
Chow Yi Ling
Chong Wai
Chye Yann Ying
Gretl Tan
Jillian Wong
Joel Lock
Joanne Ang
Jonathan Kong
Kenny Chua
Koh Zhi Min
Leanne Tan
Nicholas Wong
Olivia Ho
Reema Baskar
Samantha Chua
Sharon Tan
Shermaine Lou
Vera Nakata
Victoria Neoh
Wong Bing Hao

Mrs Liew Mui Lee(Project Work)
Mrs Liew Mui Lee(General Paper)
Mr Wong Yew Leong(Knowledge and Inquiry)
Mr Yong Tze Woon(Knowledge and Inquiry)
Mrs Teo Leng Choo (Biology)
Ms Chia Hwee Tze(Chemistry)
Mrs Koh Sook Mui(Mathematics)
Mr Jeffrey Francis Harris (Literature)
Mr Steven William Ixer (Literature)
Mrs Christine Ang (Literature)
Ms Linda Teo Yanni (Economics)
Mdm Goh Chor Chin (Chinese)
Mr Abdul Rahman bin Ahmad (Malay)


  1. February 2008
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