Thursday, October 30, 2008

Alright hey people!

Ok the Class Forum is up and running! Again... Since the last time it crashed on me i redid it. All those who have signed up (I am sorry I know there are quite a few people) please do so again! Now all the problems are fixed, there are no activation email errors, no lagging issues, and no more scary photos of zhiyang, shermaine, or reema and joanne... YET! haha! yep so just sign up and i shall see how the thing goes before i attempt to do anything and change the design!

*IMPT* The email will 90% of the time end up in your junk email folder, so PLEASE so there and check! F.Y.I. The email address it will come in as is "".

Anything please don't send emails to that email address, post it in the cbox or you can just find me on msn. Don't know who I am, then tikam. =)


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

good evening 08s33 (:
we have a NEW class scandal!and here's the proof :o

okay this is a far shot.

nearer shot (:

and and nearer (:

oh and we played shoot shag marry, and truth or dare to such hilarious results.heres a tip: dont ever play dare when reema is present (or leanne for that matter according to joanne). reema comes up with the weirdest ideas!

Monday, October 27, 2008

I feel like I'm monopolis-ing this blog.
So please post!

Anyway, on to proper matters.
Please bring your report slip with signature tml.
And I'll be passing the slips of papers around tml.
I cut around 800 pieces, unless I counted wrongly.
So just take however many you need and start writing.
I need you guys to write one for each person plus teacher k.
What else?
Oh. Do not write double sided cause I have to paste.
Try to finish it asap and pass me back! =D

Okay, lastly.
Go to the forums thing and take a poll abt the class chalet thing.
One person one vote please.
I'll put up the poll once I can work it? HAHA.
Yes. It'll be soon! =D


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Hey people, Class Forum @ Registration is required!

Hopefully it works out. Maintenance is still underway, especially for the photos.


Here's the class chalet updates!
In view of popular demand for chalets during the holidays,
Do you all want the chalet in January instead?
Like from 5 to 7 Jan?
Because only then can we book aloha loyang!
And for those who knows aloha loyang (unlike ZHIYANG), you know what I mean.
Yep. Aloha loyang has super a lot of facilities!
Okay, that aside.
Anyone has any form of membership to book aloha chalets?
Like parents being teachers, government personnel whatnot.
Tell me k~
Then we will book soon!

Okay, that's about it!
If anyone's not free from 5 to 7 Jan, tag or post!

Last thing.
I'll be passing pieces of paper around the next few rehearsals.
Basically collect 29 - 32 pieces of paper (depending if you're a lit student (yay!) or you're an econs student and if you take chinese/malay), and start writing for EVERYONE in the class, and the teachers as well!
PLEASE DO NOT write general messages!
What's the point of copying something 29-32 times right!
So write unique, nice messages!
It can be about strengths/weaknesses/why you like this person/why that person should like you etc.
Take the paper, write, and pass back to me asap!
Write nicely okay!
I cut my fingers off while cutting the 600+ pieces of paper alright!
Okay, that's it. TATA!

And post more! (:

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Can you all please check the class blog more often from now on!
Cause I realised that it's damn difficult shouting in class and so like I'll post announcements here k!

(She supported you all one way or another before! HAHA)
Buy the VJC ODAC tile thing!
Do you all want to buy as a class?
$4 per person. Want? Want?
Reply on the tagboard okay!

If not Mrs Liew's so going to kill me =/

Do you all want a chalet?
If yes, when?
Reply on the tagboard too!
(HAHA. You all have a lot of replying to do!)

I'm going to make cards for everyone in class!
So I'll pass around papers soon!
You all just write your message/praise/comments on people and give back to me!
Cause I think by next year we don't have time already!
So yeah. It's the end of the year already!
Let's cherish our time okay! (:

Let's have a class outing!
You can discuss your PW there!
So don't worry!
Hmm. We'll come up with a date soon okay! =D
Inform you all again


The Class

O8S33! Hangs out regularly in VJC, normally LT1, LT4, LT5, V block, T block, L block, C block, Canteen, and Treehouse. The generation of the 25 cool guys and girls.


Civics Tutor:
Mrs Liew Mui Lee

Alvin Lee
Chin Yixiu
Chionh Zhi Yang
Chow Yi Ling
Chong Wai
Chye Yann Ying
Gretl Tan
Jillian Wong
Joel Lock
Joanne Ang
Jonathan Kong
Kenny Chua
Koh Zhi Min
Leanne Tan
Nicholas Wong
Olivia Ho
Reema Baskar
Samantha Chua
Sharon Tan
Shermaine Lou
Vera Nakata
Victoria Neoh
Wong Bing Hao

Mrs Liew Mui Lee(Project Work)
Mrs Liew Mui Lee(General Paper)
Mr Wong Yew Leong(Knowledge and Inquiry)
Mr Yong Tze Woon(Knowledge and Inquiry)
Mrs Teo Leng Choo (Biology)
Ms Chia Hwee Tze(Chemistry)
Mrs Koh Sook Mui(Mathematics)
Mr Jeffrey Francis Harris (Literature)
Mr Steven William Ixer (Literature)
Mrs Christine Ang (Literature)
Ms Linda Teo Yanni (Economics)
Mdm Goh Chor Chin (Chinese)
Mr Abdul Rahman bin Ahmad (Malay)


  1. February 2008
  1. March 2008
  1. May 2008
  1. June 2008
  1. July 2008
  1. October 2008
  1. November 2008
  1. December 2008
  1. June 2009
  1. July 2009
  1. August 2009
  1. September 2009
  1. November 2009


Layout: Yeling
Copyrighted© 08S33 2008